2019년 5월 6일 월요일

Korean answers about Korea that you are curious about.

1.한국인들은 정말로 개를 먹나요?
1. Do Koreans really eat dogs?
->Some Koreans eat dogs and others don't.

2.한국인들은 정말 터키를 형제의 나라로 생각하는가?
2. Do Koreans really think of Turkey as a sibling?
->Koreans have little interest in Turkey.

3.한국 여성들은 정말로 성형수술을 많이 하나요?
3. Do Korean women really have a lot of plastic surgery?
->Korean women really do a lot of plastic surgery.
->Some parents give their children plastic surgery as a reward for something.

4.한국인들은 정말로 그들의 정부를 밎지 않는가?
4. Don't Koreans really believe in their government?
->Many Koreans distrust the government.
->The reason is that the government is showing its people so badly.

5.한국인들은 실제로 영화를 좋아하는가?
5. Do Koreans actually like movies?
->Korean people like movies. Most couples enjoy going on movie theater dates.

6.한국인들은 정말로 미국의 전술핵을 한반도에 되돌려 놓기를 원하는가?
6. Do Koreans really want to return the U.S. tactical nuclear weapons to the Korean Peninsula?
->Most Koreans don't think about it.

7.한국인들은 mama와 mma와 같은 시상식 쇼에 대해 어떻게 생각하는가?
7.What do Koreans think about award shows like mama and mma?
->It is a great honor to receive an award there.

8.북한 주민들이 정말 김정은을 어떻게 생각하는가?
8.What do North Koreans think of Kim Jong Un?
->Many North Koreans also dislike Kim Jong-un.
->I actually met the North Koreans and talked to them.
->All the North Koreans I met have spoken ill of Kim Jong-un.

9.한국인들은 북한을 어떻게 생각하는가?
9. What do Koreans think of North Korea?
->Most South Koreans hate North Korea.
->The reason is because North Korea causes various damage to the Korean people.

10.한국인들은 학생때 정말로 공부를 열심히 하는가?
Do Koreans really study hard when they are students?
->It depends on the person.

11.남녀 모두 화장을 하는가?
Do Koreans wear makeup for both men and women?
->The average Korean man doesn't wear makeup.

12.한국인들은 왜 옷을 여자처럼 입는가?
12.Why do Koreans dress like women?
->Most Korean men don't think they dress like women.

13.왜 이렇게 부끄러움이 많은가?
13.Why are Koreans so shy?
->Koreans don't think they are too shy.
->They're just not used to expressing their opinions.

15.한국인들은 정말로 드라마에 나오는거 같냐?
Are Koreans Really Like They Are in Dramas?
->Absolutely not.You shouldn't trust drama too much.In Korea, there are handsome people and ugly people.

16.스타크래프트가 정말로 인기가 많냐?
16.Is Starcraft really popular?
->That’s right.These days, the popularity of StarCraft is lower than in the past, but it is still a popular game.There are more people watching games of professional gamers than playing games of their own.

17.한국인들은 외국인에 대해서 어떻게 생각하는가?
17.What do Koreans think about foreigners?
->It depends on the person.
->Personally, I admire foreigners and want to be close.

18.한국인들은 드라마에서 처럼 정말 좋은사람들이니?
Do Koreans are Really Nice people like Korean drama?
->Most Koreans do.
->Koreans are kind and polite to foreigners.

19.한국인들은 미국을 어떻게 생각하나요?
19. What do Koreans think of America?
->South Koreans think of the U.S. as a brother country.America is a very grateful country.
->Korea is safe from communism with the help of the United States.

20.남한사람들은 북한 사람들과 통일을 원하는가?
Do South Koreans Want Reunification With North Korea?
->It depends on the person.
->The majority of young South Koreans do not want unification with North Korea
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