2019년 5월 10일 금요일

Anne Marie. She's amazing!

안녕, 친구들. 내가 방금 확인한 한국 음악 차트야.
->Hi, friends. This is the Korean music chart I just checked.

나는 원래 앤 마리가 노래를 잘하고 유명하다는 것을 알고 있었다.
->I originally knew that Anne Marie was good at singing and famous.

->나는 그녀가 한국 음악 차트에서 10위 안에 들었는지 몰랐다.
I didn't know that she was in top10 of the Korean music charts

->그녀는 노래를 너무 자연스럽게 부른다. 말하는 것 같다.
She sings so naturally. It's like talking.

->라이브로 듣지는 못했지만 그 노래를 듣고 보니 그녀가 진짜 가수라는 느낌이 들었다.
I didn't hear it live, but when I heard the song, I felt like she was a real singer.

->한국 음악시장은 아이돌들이 장악하고 있다.
The Korean music market is dominated by idols.

->그녀는 한국 음악 시장에서 10위 안에 드는 것이 정말 대단하다.
She is really great in the top 10 of the Korean music market.

->그녀의 노래를 듣고 나는 그녀가 궁금해졌다.
Her song made me wonder about her.

->나는 유튜브에 들어가서 그녀를 검색했다.
I went to YouTube and searched for her.

->나는 그녀가 라이브로 부른 여러 곡을 들었고, 그중에서도 그녀가 가장 좋아하는 곡은 로카비예였다.
I listened to several songs she sang live, and among them, her favorite song was Rockabye.

->맙소사 .. 그녀는 천재야!
Oh, my God. She's a genius!

->그런데 갑자기 이런 생각이 들었다.
And all of a sudden, this is what I was thinking.

->나이는 모르지만 30대 후반인 것 같아.
I don't know her age but I think she's in her late 30s.

->그런데 그게 아니였어. 그녀는 1991년에 태어났더라고
But it wasn't. She was born in 1991.

->서양인들이 그렇게 늙어 보이는 것이 보통일까?
Is it normal for Westerners to look so old?

->그녀를 처음 보았을 때, 나는 그녀의 나이가 이모와 비슷할 것이라고 생각했다.
When I first saw her, I thought her age would be similar to my aunt.

->갑자기 이야기가 다른 방향으로 흘러갔지만... 그녀는 훌륭한 가수임에 틀림없다.
Suddenly, the story went in a different direction, but... She must be a great singer.

->이런 가수가 있는 나라가 부럽다.
I envy a country where there is a singer like this.

Korean life

Koreans are forced to study by their parents from elementary school.
한국인들은 초등학교때부터 공부를 강요받는다.

Even though they are elementary school students, they go to two or three hagwons a day.
초등학생인데도 불구하고 하루에 두세 개씩 학원을 다닌다.

At an age when they have to play, they are forced to study.
놀아야 할 나이에 어쩔 수 없이 공부한다.

Most Koreans study hard.

I think there are few people in Korea who really want to study.
대부분의 한국인들은 열심히 공부한다.
한국에는 정말 공부하고 싶은 사람이 거의 없는 것 같아.

After graduating from elementary school like this, they enter middle school.
이렇게 초등학교를 졸업하고 중학교에 입학한다.

Entering middle school, they are forced to study more and more.
중학교에 입학하면서, 그들은 점점 더 공부해야 한다.

Children who do not study or do not study are treated as losers in school.
공부를 하지 않거나 공부를 하지 않는 아이들은 학교에서 패배자로 취급된다.

They study hard for three years in middle school.
그들은 중학교에서 3년 동안 열심히 공부한다.

I graduate from middle school and enter high school.
중학교를 졸업하고 고등학교에 입학한다.

They are forced to study harder and harder.
그들은 점점 더 열심히 공부해야 한다.

When they are in their third year of high school, they study all but sleeping time.
그들은 고등학교 3학년이 되면 잠자는 시간 외에는 모두 공부한다.

So, I take the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) in my third year of high school and enter university.
그래서 고등학교 3학년 때 수능을 보고 대학에 들어간다.

In the university that should study the most, Koreans do not study the other way around.
가장 많이 공부해야 할 대학에서 한국인들은 반대로 공부하지 않는다.

The reason is that they are not forced to study when they enter university.
대학에 들어가면 강제로 공부하지 않기 때문이다

After a lifetime of forced study, they start playing like crazy.
평생 동안 억지로 공부한 후에, 그들은 미친 듯이 놀기 시작한다.

Then they go to the army.
그리고 나서 그들은 군대에 간다.

They spend two years in the army going through difficult times.
그들은 힘든 시기를 겪으면서 군대에서 2년을 보낸다.

Of course, only men go to the army. 
물론 남자들만 군대에 간다. 

After being discharged from the army like that, they study again.
그렇게 제대하고 나서 그들은 다시 공부를 한다.

The reason is that I have to get a job.
그 이유는 취직을 해야 하기 때문이다

In the end, they spend all their young years studying.
결국 그들은 어린 시절을 모두 공부하는데 보낸다.

Also, because I have to study, not because I want to.

Efficiency is also extremely bad.
또한 공부를 해야 하기 때문이지, 하고 싶어서가 아니다.
효율성 또한 극도로 나쁘다.

Korean Drama Recommended (Uncontrollably fond) by Koreans

Uncontrollably fond

어린 시절 가슴 아픈 악연으로 헤어졌던 두 남녀가 안하무인 슈퍼갑 톱스타와 비굴하고 속물적인 슈퍼을 다큐 PD로 다시 만나 그려가는 까칠하고 애틋한 사랑이야기

->The male and female protagonists had a bad childhood relationship.After coming of age, the two men and women meet again.The man was a top star and the woman was a broadcasting company.It's a rough love story.

배우와 가수를 넘나드는 이 시대 최고의 엔터테이너. 도도하고, 까칠하며, 건방지고, 각종 갑질 또한 단연 독보적이며 압도적이다. 그렇다고 위선을 떨거나 대중의 환심을 사기 위해 가식을 떨지도 않는다.

->He is one of the greatest entertainers of the time, crossing actors and singers. He is arrogant, arrogant, and bad-tempered. However, they do not pretend to be hypocrites or to win public favor.

얼굴에 강철판을 두 겹으로 깐 것 같은 뻔뻔함은 기본이요, 속에 구렁이가 백 마리쯤은 들어앉아있을 것 같은 능글능글함까지 탑재한, 정체성 자체가 구제 못할 을(乙)이며 속물 중에서도 갑(甲) 오브 갑이다.
->She's so brazen. She's a good match for the other person'sShe is servile.

비주얼, 능력, 성격, 개념, 집안, 미래. 마치 신(神)이 작정하고 세상에 내놓은 야심작 같은 남자다. 부드럽고 스윗하며 따뜻하고, 친절하고 겸손하며 이타적인. 세상에 존재하는 모든 좋은 의미의 형용사들을 지태에게 갖다 붙여도 ‘이건 좀 아닌데...’ 할 만한 것들이 없다.
->Visual, ability, character, concept, house, future. He's got all this: soft, sweet, warm, kind, humble, altruistic. He is so perfect that nothing can be said.

아비는 여당총수이자 가장 강력한 대권후보인 윤성호, 어미는 대대로 장관과 국무총리를 배출해낸 로열패밀리의 영애였다. 스무 살 겨울, 외할아버지의 고희연 날, 귀국한 정은은 어른들의 눈을 피해 친구들과의 술자리에 갔고 만취한 채 차를 몰고 가던 길에 한 사람(노을의 아비)을 치고 달아났다.
->Her father is a strong candidate for the presidency, and her mother is the daughter of a great family. When she was twenty years old, she came to Korea to celebrate her maternal grandfather's birthday.
Coming back to Korea, she ran away after hitting an old man with a car while drinking and driving.

a person-relationship map

The male and female characters in this drama have a good visual look.
Despite being Asian, the two men and women are tall and in good shape.The drama also has a mature story.If you are in your 20s, I recommend this drama.

2019년 5월 8일 수요일

If you come to Korea, make sure to go to the Han River.

Han River is a place where many Seoulites take a rest
I think it would be nice for you to go there and see the Han River in person.

->This is the entrance to the Han River.

->It is inside the entrance to the Han River.

 ->Such benches are common in the Han River.
 ->Walk from side to side and center is a bicycle road.
 ->These trees are often seen in the Han River.

 ->Despite the late hours, citizens are playing in groups.

->When I took a picture, it was 2 a.m.
Perhaps it was because it was late, so the Han River was quiet.Hangang River is a good place to walk comfortably and enjoy the surroundings.

 ->a convenience store located on the Han River

 ->Here comes water. Citizens often drink water here when they are thirsty.
->There are many facilities in the Han River and citizens can use them.There are many facilities for people who exercise mainly lightly.

-->There are many trash cans and toilets in the Han River.

 ->You must have seen this place in the drama.People who go out for a walk with their pets are also often seen.
 ->On grass like this, citizens often play in groups.There are many citizens who date on a mat and order delivery food.

 ->This is an amusement park in Ttukseom.
it was possible to enter the building visible in the picture, but it was too late to enter.

->There are many pretty flowers in the season now.
->It is a temple on the river.

->There are many street cats in the Han River.
When people are playing, a cat walks around.The reason is, " they give you something to eat?"

I'm sorry that I can't write properly because I'm not good at English.I hope it helps you.

Korean Drama Recommended (She loves lies so much.) by Koreans

She loves lies so much.

->A genius composer who hid his identity, and a high school girl, Yoon So-rim, who fell in love with him at first sight. a romance drama

->relation chart

->Hidden member of the most popular band Kruidplay in Korea. He is in charge of composing and producing all the songs of Croyd Play. Some people know the meaning behind an alias, but they have everything they need as a genius hit composer, from a natural sense of sound to a sense of emotion. But what complicates his life is music, too. Because his whole life revolves around music. Not only did he mess up the recording if he wasn't feeling well about himself, but he lost touch when he started working and couldn't have a smooth relationship. But Yuna, the nation's top female singer and lover, didn't know how to say goodbye to him.

The moment when friendship and love are separated by music and reach the limit! The heroine dived into his life. Transparent and naive. Pure. Real baby, Yoon So Rim! 
Despite constant lies, the heroine's courageous approach occupies a corner of his mind. So he is rather afraid of the heroine. Because if you love her, you should have her.

->A born musician, keen ears, a rich sense of sense and a firm self-philosophy. But most people don't remember to sell his masterpieces at a bargain price.A wife makes a living by herself, and a son is a musical genius like a father.He got divorced early and wandered around the country playing the music he wanted to play.
Sometimes things I miss are trampled on by music.

->The first impression is mediocre. A common female high school student, but there is a moment when this ordinary girl becomes more special than anyone else. It's time to sing! Natural tones, rich voices, precise tunes beyond high and low, even a perfectly bright smile that seems to pour happiness into the song!
But in the spring of nineteen, there is an event that shakes her. The incident was a stormy first love.
Somehow the music of her idol, Croyd, came to mind, and the very heartbreaking music made her fall in love at first sight.
Even a smile that is not directed at me is bursting. 
But this man is somehow suspicious: he is a wish not to work, and disappears as if he were busy every day, and that does not coincide with his story. And crucially, I don't like this guy, a woman who sings while making songs! In the meantime, famous producer Choi Jin-hyuk, who I met accidentally, will present an audition.
As an ordinary girl, Shaolin is now at the crossroads of choice.

->CEO of SOLE Music N with natural eyes to discover talent. He looks perfect because he has nothing to lose in his face and body. He basically likes music. He clings to 'created music,' and he also likes 'music that makes money.' What about creative and money-making music? He can give up the song. In this sense, the figure of the male lead is the best jewel he has ever found. Jin Hyuk may play the villain for him.

->The bassist of Croudplay. It's really cool to play the bass with a long, delicate finger, but it's never because of the look that makes Chan-young's music special. He is a genius.
She naturally conjures up the inspiration of his song. But what's the joke of fate? This time he's working on behalf of the male lead. But that doesn't matter. I'm confident I won't miss what's already in my hands.

->She has been called South Korea's best diva for years for her sexy and provocative looks, but she still regretted it. She couldn't show her own music because of the fancy and provocative concept of her company.She had a hard two years of vocal cords and managed to prepare her own song for the world. But the public was cold


This drama is a little childish. I recommend it to young girls.
